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November 9, 2016

HELP- What do for my Autistic Student who licks everything? Practical Tips and Tricks.

Autistic Student Licks Everything

    Student with Autism Licks Everything

    “My autistic student has licking habits.

    She licks everything.

    Everything means books, paper, plastic, the ground… all.

    How should I teach her?”

        -M. Basel

    HELP- What do for my Autistic Student who licks everything? Practical Tips and Tricks.

    It can be a real challenge when students present behaviors that are extreme or that really cross the divide of what is socially acceptable.

    Licking everything is one of those…

    And having a student who licks everything is actually just a version of stimming behavior that’s so typical in students with autism. There’s no way for you to just expect a student with this type of behavior to suddenly stop.

    Instead what you will have to do is redirect the behavior into something more acceptable and also more hygienic.

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