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HELP- What do for my Autistic Student who licks everything? Practical Tips and Tricks.

Autistic Student Licks Everything

    Student with Autism Licks Everything

    “My autistic student has licking habits.

    She licks everything.

    Everything means books, paper, plastic, the ground… all.

    How should I teach her?”

        -M. Basel

    HELP- What do for my Autistic Student who licks everything? Practical Tips and Tricks.

    It can be a real challenge when students present behaviors that are extreme or that really cross the divide of what is socially acceptable.

    Licking everything is one of those…

    And having a student who licks everything is actually just a version of stimming behavior that’s so typical in students with autism. There’s no way for you to just expect a student with this type of behavior to suddenly stop.

    Instead what you will have to do is redirect the behavior into something more acceptable and also more hygienic.

    Read More »Autistic Student Licks Everything

    Why Do Kids with Autism Kids Do That? Plus Teacher Tips to Help!

    Why Do Kids with Autism Do That?

      I have seen the power struggle first hand. A teacher, thinking they are doing the right thing and wanting to be in charge of a classroom, tells a kid with Autism to take their hands off their ears and work on an assignment in front of them. They students doesn’t comply. The teacher tries to coax or plead or force compliance… and they don’t succeed.

      Why Do Kids with Autism Kids Do That? Plus Teacher Tips to Help!

      The question is, why do kids with Autism do that?

      I think if teachers really thought about the answer to that question, they would address students in the classroom differently and really pick their battles.

      I used to work with a boy whose Autism presented pretty severely. He was nonverbal, had a lot of repetitive behavior, including rocking, and he nearly always had his hands over his ears. When a hand was needed to do something, he would press his shoulder to his ear and use that instead. I had a new paraeducator working with me over a summer session and the first day she really insisted he put his hands down. He would do it for just seconds and then his hands would return to his shoulders. I told her to let him leave his hands there and she asked Why? Why does he do that.

      Do you wonder too?

      Read on!

      Read More »Why Do Kids with Autism Do That?
      Teaching Students with Echolalia - tips and strategies in the classroom and at home.

      Teaching Students with Echolalia

        Echolalia- Learn strategies for your Autism classroom. What echolalia is and how to reduce it with activities to decrease repetitive speech or non-authentic communication.

        Visual Schedules for Autism Units- Lots of great examples and free printables!

        Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms

          Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms

          I don’t know about you, but I am a visual person. I have post-its and doodles and things all over to remind me of what I need to get done. And the truth is visuals help most people… ever sit through a training where the slides were nothing but words? Torture. So why wouldn’t we have visual schedules for our students?

          Are you setting up an Autism Unit or LIFE Skills classroom? You MUST HAVE a Visual Schedule! Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms work- read why...
          Tips on Visual Schedules

          “Where do I go?”
          Let’s check your schedule!

          Having a visual schedule helps students a lot. It helps students figure out where to go and also helps figure out what to do when they get there! There are a few perks to having personal schedules for students (beyond what is generally posted in the classroom).

          Read More »Visual Schedules in Autism Classrooms
          All about Visual Structures for Autism Classrooms with FREE Visuals!

          Visual Structure for Autism Classrooms

            Visual Structure for Autism Classrooms

            Visual Structure is a pillar of structured classrooms… and I have walked into Autism classrooms where teachers have told me that they didn’t have visuals because their students didn’t need it.

            I don’t know about you guys, but I need visual structure to be successful, why wouldn’t our students?


            All about Visual Structures for Autism Classrooms with FREE Visuals!

            What is Visual Structure?

            Read More »Visual Structure for Autism Classrooms

            Prompting Hierarchy - Using Cues and Prompts the right way

            Prompting Hierarchy

              I was duped. And I know you will understand that it wasn’t the student duping me- I duped myself because I didn’t use the prompting hierarchy!

              I will never forget the day I took a group of students to Taco Bell for a Community-Based Instruction Trip. There was a student in a wheelchair who required a high level of support on campus. We cut her food, opened all her packaging, and even put food on the fork at times to make sure she has access. With the limited use of one side of her body and processing delays, she just needed it.

              Teaching Nonverbal Students- Why YOU should bother.

              Teaching Nonverbal Students

                Teaching Nonverbal Students

                I was giving a training tonight and it happened… the words that sent shivers down my spine.

                Why even bother.

                What!?! Why bother? Is that for real!

                I understand Why Bother for some things- like waking up early to work out or changing out of my stretchy pants.

                But Why Bother with teaching students? Uh- not okay.

                So let me give some context because I’m sure this teacher is not the only one.

                Teaching Nonverbal Students- Why YOU should bother.

                Read More »Teaching Nonverbal Students