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Structured Classroom Layout in Special Ed - How to via Noodle Nook

Structured Classroom Layout – FREE Checklist for SpEd Success

    Physical Structure is a pillar of structured classrooms- and I am always shocked at how many people get their structured classroom layout all wrong!

    If you’re gearing up to transform your classroom empty classroom into a dynamic space for students with special needs, there’s one thing you absolutely need for sure: To nail that physical structure! Your structured classroom layout is the secret weapon to make your year a success… and trust me, it’s easier than you think to do!

    Autism Independent Living Skills - Essential Life Skills for Special Ed via Noodle Nook

    9 Essential Life Skills for Students with Autism

      Living an independent life is a dream for every young adult, including those on the autism spectrum. However, achieving this goal requires mastering certain essential life skills. In this blog post, we’ll explore nine essential life skills for students with autism that can set them up for postsecondary success. From managing daily routines to handling money and social interactions, these autism independent living skills will empower individuals with autism (and those with an array of other developmental disabilities or intellectual disabilities) to confidently navigate adult life. If you are a special education teacher, grab a pen and paper… Let’s dive in and discover how these functional life skills can lead to greater independence and fulfillment in everyday life.

      Best Back to School Tips for Special Education Teachers

      10 Best Back to School Tips for Special Education Teachers

        Hey there, SpedTacular SpEducator! It’s that time of the year again—the back-to-school season is just around the corner. As you gear up for another exciting year of shaping young minds, we’ve got your back with the 10 best back to school tips for special education teachers just like you. So, grab your highlighters (and the beverage of your choice) and prepare to kick off the upcoming school year on the right foot. We’ve got your to-do start-of-school checklist ready to go!

        Managing and dealing with autism meltdowns in the classroom as a teacher - tips on what to do before and after.

        15 Tips for Dealing with Autism Meltdowns in the Classroom

          Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interactions, and behavior. One of the most challenging aspects of teaching autistic children is dealing with meltdowns in the classroom. Meltdowns are often triggered by sensory overload, sudden changes, or difficulty with communication. As a teacher, it’s crucial to understand how to prevent and manage these meltdowns to provide a safe space for autistic students to learn and grow. In this post, we’ll discuss some strategies for dealing with autism meltdowns in the classroom.

          Sleep Routines in Autism: How to Tire Out Child with Autism

          Sleep Routines in Autism (How to Tire Out an Autistic Child)

            Every day I had a student who would sleep through most of the school day. When we tried to wake him up, things turned violent quickly. After a while, my team just accepted the fact that he was not going to be awake at school. Around his annual IEP meeting, I had a deep and intensive talk with his mother. Turns out she was at her wit’s end dealing with her autistic son, who was up all in the middle of the night rummaging through the house and getting into things. She was about to lose her job, felt like she couldn’t date, and was just miserable. So we set out together to attack their sleep routines and figure out how to tire out an autistic child who had somehow turned nocturnal.

            Creating a Positive Learning Environment for Students with Autism: Autism Positive Behavior Supports

            Proven Tips for Better Behavior – Autism Positive Behavior Support

              Teaching is a challenging profession, and when working with students with an autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disabilities, those challenges can be even greater. Autism presents unique challenges for teachers, as students with autism can have difficulty with social relationships, communication skills, and sensory input. These challenges can often result in problematic behaviors that can be disruptive to the classroom environment.

              Tips on Hair Cut for Autistic Child: The Ultimate Guide to Haircuts for Kids with Autism.

              Ultimate Guide to Haircuts for Kids with Autism

                For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), haircuts can be overwhelming due to their sensory processing issues. The sound of clippers or a blow dryer, the sensation of hair falling on their skin, the feeling of hands on them, or even the chair moving can be too much to handle. Good news is with some preparation and understanding, getting a hair cut for autistic child can be a more comfortable experience. In this post, we’ll be sharing our ultimate guide to haircuts for kids with autism, packed with tips and tricks to help you easily navigate this process.

                Severe Nonverbal Autism - Ideas and Strategies for the Classroom

                Severe Nonverbal Autism

                  Teaching kids with autism may mean working with nonverbal students. Here are 9 strategies for effectively working with students with severe nonverbal autism.

                  Explore tips and strategies for creating a welcoming and inclusive learning environment, including visual aids, daily routines, positive reinforcement, and incorporating special interests. How to teach kids with autism.

                  How to Teach Kids with Autism

                    Best tips for how to teach kids with autism! Explore easy strategies, including visual aids, daily routines, positive reinforcement, and more.