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Down syndrome personality traits and how to support students in the classroom.

Understanding Down Syndrome Personality Traits: A Guide for Teachers and Parents

    For people with an extra chromosome, there are several traits that are more likely to occur. The most important thing to remember is that not every person with that same extra chromosome is exactly the same. Yes, there are some general Down syndrome personality traits, physical differences, and cognitive differences. Again, individuals with Down syndrome are individuals and share many of the same personality traits as everyone else. So let’s explore the various personality traits commonly seen in individuals with Down syndrome, and provide tips on how to support their emotional and cognitive well-being.

    Unlocking Math Success for Students with Disabilities: The Top 5 Materials You Need

    Top 5 Math Materials for Special Ed

      As a special ed teacher, it’s important to have a variety of materials to support your students in their math learning. From hands-on manipulatives to technology tools, the right materials can make math instruction more accessible and engaging for students with disabilities. Learn about the top 5 math materials you should be using in your instruction in this article.

      Improving student outcomes with professional development for special education staff

      Ongoing Professional Development for Special Education Staff: Best Practices and Resources

        Ensure your special education staff has the knowledge and skills they need to effectively support students with disabilities with ongoing professional development. Explore best practices for planning and finding relevant resources, and learn how professional development can help improve student outcomes. Invest in your special education team’s growth and success with targeted professional development opportunities.

        Task Cards for Special Education

          Why use task cards in special education? Because they give you visual supports for improving life skills and academics! See some task card ideas for special education and how to use them for students with special needs, including autism.

          Supporting Special Needs Students Online

            Six tips for supporting special needs students online learning as a parent. Get some ideas on how to help your child with a disability as we all hunker down for the long haul of distance and online learning.