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Product Terms of Use

Resource sold under the Noodle Nook brand were created by Ayodele Jones.

All rights reserved by author.

Graphics used in creation are copyrighted and property of the artist, Ayodele Jones or used with commercial license.

The materials in Noodle Nook products are distributed & intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in their classroom for classroom use only or for personal use. They may not share with other teachers in their building, district, or otherwise. The purchaser may not share this product through email, internet groups, blogs, servers, forums, offline groups, school and/or district websites that are not password protected and intended for single classroom/teacher access or personal websites.

Redistributing, editing, selling, or using Noodle Nook products as part of a paid online course are strictly prohibited without the prior written consent from the author.

Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

What You Can Do

  • Print and use this in your own classroom and/or send home a copy for students to use at home.
  • Share with your current student on a password protected LMS, like Google™ Classroom or through Google™ Drive.
  • Refer friends to my blog or digital store where you downloaded it so they can buy/download their own copy.
  • Share images on social media of this product in action in your class (tag me).

What You Can’t Do

  • Copy, email it, or share it with others in a shared drive (your purchase was for a single teacher license).
  • Post it electronically on a public website, district site, or blog without my permission OR post it ‘publicly’ via Google.
  • Claim this product or anything it contains as your own work.
  • Snip or copy clip art from this product to reuse.

©Noodle Nook | Website by Ayodele Jones ^ Terms of Use & Disclosure Policy