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Evaluation… Is It You or Me?

    MH910217227Closing out a project is always bittersweet. You have worked so hard on perfecting your baby that putting it to bed can bring solace. No worries. I am sure after your stellar performance as a Project Manager, your bosses will have a whole litany of new projects screaming for your attention.

    Before you pack it all in on the old and usher in the new, there are a few things that you can do to close out your project right and hopefully help you on your future projects. Evaluation is always present when using the ADDIE model, but even with a PM’s Four-Step Model, evaluation is extremely important part of closing out a project.


    No doubt as you delivered your training you built in evaluations, both Formative (where you evaluate before delivery) and Summative (where you evaluate during and after delivery). As a designer, you also need to evaluate the training program in its entirety. Typically with project management, this is done with the Phillips ROI model. This model has five different levels of evaluation:

    1. Reaction- which measures the reaction to your program
    2. Learning- which measures a change in knowledge or skills
    3. Application- which measures the change in on the job performance
    4. Business Impact- which measures the impact of the program on the business
    5. Return of Investment- which measures the cost compared to the results

    Looking at these measures as you close out a project could really impact the methods you use on the next endeavor, especially if it is with the same company or materials.


    If you have followed the ADDIE model in conjunction with the Four-Step model, you have evaluated the efficacy of your project, determined its impact on the business bottom line and job performance, and probably have a few procedural items to complete on the contractual side to officially put the project to bed. Job well done!


    I, myself, have been nursing a project for several weeks now. I have delivery next week and will start the evaluation procedures. As I put the finishing touches on the performance evaluations the participants will complete, I wonder what questions other developers have asked as part of their wrap up. What do you ask?

    Looking for more on Phillips ROI? Check out what VillaNova has to say about it!

    Cox, D.M.T. (2010). Project management skills for instructional designers: A practical guide. Bloomington, IL : Iuniverse.

    Images Courtesy of: Microsoft


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