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Unbelievably Easy to Set Up Job Prep Activities in Special Ed

    So much of what I use in the classroom is because I need something easy to set up that is still engaging and meaningful. It doesn’t help to have a task that only gets used once. Nor does it help to have things that take an entire school year to make. If you have ever been in that situation, then you know exactly what I’m talkin’ ‘bout! Here are a few unbelievably easy to set up job prep activities for your special education classroom.

    Unbelievably Easy to Set Up Job Prep Activities

    Digital Stocking and Assembly Activities

    With students learning remotely or some days distance, others in person, or and asynchronous… Oi! 

    Easy and Digital become the two words you love most!

    Digital Vocational Training Activities for Special Ed
    Digital Vocational Training Activities for Special Ed
    Digital Vocational Training Activities for Special Ed

    What I like about these activities is that they are leveled… YES LEVELED! They have some very easy starter activities that then get more difficult as you progress.

    Using this with students has been great! They love the variety of activities, like working at a Pet Shop, at the Lego Store or in a Game Store. I love that I can get them working at home without having to make a kajillion take home task boxes.

    I also really love that when they crossover and return to the classroom, the tasks will be familiar. That makes my classroom management much easier and the transition less upsetting for students.

    Unbelievably Easy to Set Up Job Prep Activities

    DIY Task Boxes for Skill Development

    Yes, digital is great and really works for some students… but when it comes to learning work skills, some students need hands on activities. You know the kids I’m talking about. They need to touch, move, maneuver, assemble and sort with actual manipulative objects. If you’re like me, you’ve spent oodles of time on Pinterest looking at task boxes made from duct tape and toilet paper rolls. I’ve made my fair share of Oatmeal container tasks, lol!

    I am not judging… those tasks work well, but they turn your garage (or your classroom, your closets and your desk) in to recycling centers/clutter heaps.

    Are you thinking of the pile of TP rolls under your desk right now?

    No shame… no shade.

    So, I had to do better. I needed some easy to set up job prep activities, not impossible to get started centers.  Plus, I want my classroom to look nice and neat and pulled together!

    I tried ordering from an online store that sold student task boxes… but they were literally $35 to $50 each. EACH! Ten boxes would have been more than my budget would have allowed. Heck 2 boxes would have been more than my teacher budget would have allowed. #PayTeachersMore

    That’s when I started to set up these DIY task boxes that could be stored in a plastic shoe box. Hello, #TeacherWin

    DIY Work Task Boxes for Special Education
    DIY Work Task Boxes for Special Education
    DIY Work Task Boxes for Special Education
    DIY Work Task Boxes for Special Education

    What’s even better is that everything can be easily picked up at the Dollar Store near me. #TeacherOnABudget

    I love the way these look in the classroom and that I can replace lost or missing pieces with a quick stop to the Dollar Shop. Parents are even more than willing to buy items for these DIY task boxes because they are so easy to replace.  Plus, my students love the variety and consistency. Each box has a visual guide for students, directions for the adults to set it up, and ideas for IEP goals that would work for that task. 

    Yup… #TeacherLove

    Printable Centers for at Home and at School

    I have lots of task boxes that are hands on, but I also want some that do NOT require a trip anywhere… as in I can print everything I need and get started today. Even better is that with most of these printable tasks… Yup, I don’t even laminate them. I print them on cardstock and if they get messed up, I reprint them. It’s easy to get ink and paper… but I can’t get back the time it takes to cut-laminate-cut. That seems to be a huge barrier for me getting things done.

    The main reason I love these printable tasks is because they are so multi-skilled! There is simple matching all the way up to multi-step assembly. That means I can engage ALL of my students in vocational training at a level that is right for them WITHOUT having to create a million different things.

    Printable Work Task Boxes for Special Education
    Printable Work Task Boxes for Special Education
    Printable Work Task Boxes for Special Education

    The directions are included so you know how to work out all the levels. There are also multiple themed sets so you can change things up throughout the year… My students would start to burn out on the same thing over and over (as they should). It was essential that I be able to change things out every month or every quarter. And, because I just print and cut, it was easy to do.

    Actually #TeacherConfession I have my vocational training students who are good at cutting do it for me 😁.

    See… these are really easy to set up job prep activities!

    Grocery Store Flyer for Soft Skills

    A good vocational training program has to target more than just job skills. We have to teach students functional skills so they will retain their job and be successful in life.

    I love incorporating a lot of money skills into my voc prep class. I know all my students are learning about math in their math classes, but money skills always need to be targeted for students with disabilities.

    To do that in a fun and functional way, I try to use real life tools. This grocery store flyer task card set is one of those things. I get tons of grocery flyers in my mailbox. More than I think anyone should #SaveThePlanet I guess I’m thankful for them. They make this an easy to set up job prep center that is also super simple to keep fresh yet still very engaging for students.

    Consider adding money activities to your vocational training… it really supports student’s postsecondary goals.

    Recap: Easy to Set Up Job Prep Activities

    Well… there you have it. Four easy to set up job prep activities that are fun, functional, and support your student’s postsecondary goals. If you are not sure where to begin to set up your vocational training stations in YOUR classroom… here is a final tip.

    Gift Cards Vocational Work Task from NoodleNook. Check out meaningful and fin vocational training activities for Autism Units and Life Skills.

    Just start with one.

    Pick one that you liked best, set it up, and try it out.

    You will either love it or hate it. If you love it, get another. If you hate it, try something different.

    I think one of the best ‘low barrier’ tasks centers that is easiest to set up and get started with is the Gift Card Stocking Station. Legit… even if you don’t have a color printer or colored ink, just print them in black and white. On regular paper. No lamination. No extra cutting. Have some students put it together and start using it ASAP.

    Transform your classroom right now.

    Teaching is tough.. But so are you. Remember to stay strong and teach on!


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